
Davidoff Maduro Short Corona Limited Release

860,00 CHF
Tasse incluse
Ultimi articoli in magazzino

To achieve the sweet notes which are typical for a true Maduro taste experience, Davidoff has doubled the duration and control steps of its already extensive fermentation process.

All formats are dressed in a dark Ecuadorian wrapper, which makes for almost half of the overall aroma. This leaf grows in the Corte #7 grade at the crown of the tobacco plant, where it receives the most sunlight, which results in a more robust structure.

Consequently, Davidoff invested 16 months of fermentation and 2 years of ageing in the wrapper of this cigar.

The new line features Davidoff’s sophisticated Maduro blend in toro, robusto and short corona formats. They will delight aficionados with a full-bodied taste experience of medium intensity, which is the most sought-after taste profile worldwide.

Davidoff presents its new Maduro line in an elegant wooden box of 20 cigars. The satin-lacquered finish of the box and the black and golden second band on the cigars both beautifully underline the sophisticated character of the premium 

Marca: Davidoff

Nome: Maduro Short Corona

Size: 8.9x43
