Havana was founded by the Spaniards in 1519 and today celebrates its 500 years of existence.For this occasion Intertabak AG
wanted to create a commemorative humidor to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Cuban capital by associating it with an emblematic cigar, the Gloria Cubana Orgullosos.
This 2018 regional edition for Switzerland, having a format called "109", with a ring of 50 and a length of 184 mm, has been called "Orgullosos", in French "Fier", in German "Stolz" in Italian "Orgoglioso ”, Referring to the name of the brand“ La Gloria Cubana ”also called the glory of Cuba.
Shortly after his marriage to Dona Ines de Bobadilla, Hernando de Soto was appointed governor of Cuba and Adelantado of Florida. Following this appointment he left Cuba for exploration of Florida from 1539 to 1543, and during this period Dona Ines de Bobadilla became the first and only woman governor of Cuba.According to legend, Dona Ines climbed to the top of the control tower, part of the walls of the government residence, every day in order to be able to spot the return of her husband in the distance.
The Castillo de la Real Fuerza (built in 1558) replaced the old fortifications where the governor of Cuba lived. Above the control tower there is now the statue of a woman, La Giraldilla. Although no source confirms it, it is likely to be supposed that it was on purpose to honor Dona Ines de Bobadilla. The Giraldilla is the oldest symbol of Havana, a work of art by the Cuban sculptor Jeronimo Martin Pinzon.
It is on the basis of this legend and the strength expressed by the symbol of La Giraldilla that the "500 years Havana" humidor was designed. In it the Torre del Castillo de la Real Fuerza has been reproduced in detail with the statue of La Giraldilla on top. In each of the five drawers, which together form five deep blue waves, enriched by sea foam, there is a box of La Gloria Cubana Orgullosos, represented every century of Havana.
Intertabak AG presents a unique specimen of Design-Humidor with imposing dimensions. The realization of the humidor "La Gloria Cubana Orgullosos - 500 years Havana" has been all the more followed by Cuban Humidor Habana experts. The production has foreseen the realization of only 100 pieces of this humidor, each containing five boxes of Orgullosos Regional Edition 2018.
Marca: La Gloria Cubana
Vitola de Salida:Orgullosos
Vitola de Galera: Nro. 109
Size: 50 x 184 (7.2")